Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tonic Room Video and Update

Sure it's a bit late but I thought this would be worth having up here for posterity's sake.  This show was truly incredible for all of us.  Both Del Segno and Sewing Pattern were incredible opening bands with outstanding musical performances.  Even without any background in meteorology we somehow landed our gig on the evening of a super intense lightning/rain/thunder storm.  This was a nice theatrical addition to our performance and a great unintentional tie-in to our band name.  The peak of this was met at the 'freakout' section of Simsonbrunnen.  As we strived for the perfect balance of chaos and noise whilst sweating over our instruments, we finally reached our peak right at the point that lightning struck so close to the Tonic Room that it was frightening.  The stage lights went out and all you could hear was the acoustic guitar intro to Zahringerbrunnen.  The timing was so perfect we couldn't have planned it even if we wanted to.  As Angie Ma of Sewing Pattern put it, "This is some next level shit going on here."

So since the end of July we have bid farewell for now to our beloved oboist, Keith Bjorklund, as he has settled in to the Dallas area.  CD sales have been going relatively well but we could always use more of you spreading the word to friends, family, farmers, foreigners, and foes.  We will be taking some time to reorganize the ensemble and figure out what the next steps are and when they will take place.  This is not a break though, we are continuing to work hard and continue our creative pursuits to keep you faithful fans satisfied.  We will continue to keep you posted so stay alert and stay tuned.

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